serving at gfc
At GFC, we welcome everyone’s unique gifts and want to help you find a place to serve. If you're interested in joining a service team, please fill out the form below, and a team member will reach out to you.
Are you passionate about providing a warm welcome on Sunday mornings? The GFC Hospitality team is instrumental in creating a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for our church family and visitors alike. From greeting guests with a friendly smile to assisting with seating and distributing worship materials, to bringing snacks for coffee hour, our hospitality team plays a key role on Sunday mornings. Please reach out to John Coyne, Director of Operations, to learn more.
Would you enjoy preparing the communion elements for our church family? Once per month, congregant Mike Seo bakes the bread for communion and our communion team prepares the bread and juice before the service. Contact Pastoral Resident Sophie Beal to learn more.
THe Gallery at GFC
Our art gallery is in the need of individuals to assist with publicizing, organizing, installing, and/or hosting art exhibitions. Opportunities to serve available 4-6 times per year. For more information about the gallery, including upcoming shows and showing your work, contact our Gallery Team.
av team
Do you have skills in A/V? Join our expert A/V team at Green's Farms Church and help us ensure seamless services and top-notch broadcasts on YouTube. If you are interested in learning more, please contact John Coyne, Director of Operations.
crafting circle
Do you enjoy crafting and love a good cause? Throughout the winter and spring, join us after the service each week upstairs in the Loft, where GFC ladies craft various woolens to donate to Bridgeport Rescue Mission. We welcome crafters (and visitors!) of all skill levels. If you're new to any craft but interested in learning, we're happy to help! Questions? Reach out to Jenny Meagher to learn more.
cemetery grounds
Do you love history and enjoy working with your hands outdoors? Peter Jennings, our Church Historian, leads volunteers several times a year in the clean up of GFC cemeteries. This activity involves digging and the lifting of heavy objects. If this is of interest and you would like to learn more, please reach out to Peter Jennings.
Do you love history and have a passion for organization? Our archivists can use your help in digitizing and reorganizing records that go back over 300 years. Questions? Ask our archivist Cheryl Bliss, or John Coyne, Director of Operations.
leadership committees
Are you interested in taking on a leadership role at GFC? Our leadership committees are dedicated to advancing the church's goals and vision. They also serve as liaisons with our mission partners. These committees include: Deacons, Outreach, Membership & Community Life, Personnel, Trustees and Buildings & Grounds. To learn more, reach out to Rev. Jeffrey Rider.